Domain Name Soup is designed to help you generate 'Domain Name Ideas'. There are two scenarios, depending on whether you already have a business name and need to incorporate this into your domain name, or your are looking to setup a domain name that just reflects what the site is about.
If you already have a business name which is known by customers, for example, your business is called 'Grenfold Cleaners', you probably ought to keep the word Grenfold in your domain name. In this case the word Grenfold is an unusual name and should generate plenty of available names. You could try entering the phrases grenfold and 'grenfold cleaners' into the domain names search. Don't forget so select which Top Level Domains (TLD) you would like to search e.g. .com, .us, Typically .com extensions produce a lot less results than country specific extensions such as .us
If your business has a more common name, such as 'bike shop', you are going to have more difficulty. Options open to you are
If you don't yet have a business name, you could try
We hope the 'Domain Name Ideas' tool helps. If you have any suggestions, please contact us